
Who own this app?

Swati Inani, Ph.D. Scholar, Department of EECM, CCAS, MPUAT, Udaipur is the admin of this application. All the components on back-end and front-end, are under her control.


What’s the need of this app?

Sensitization and continues improvement. Sensitization is the key to any change and then measuring the change impact is also important for continue improving. This app intends to cover these two concepts.


Are more additions/ modifications being planned?

Continues improvement is the incantation of all work that we do. Admin is ever ready for any improvement after a wider user feedback and consultations.


Is the emission calculation absolutely accurate reflection of my Carbon footprint?

The app is an estimation of user’s footprint. For absolutely precise estimation, a lot of variables would have to be asked which would make the app experience very cumbersome.


Why only 4 lifestyle categories being used to calculate emissions?

Indeed, we have incorporated the lifestyle emissions for 4 major heads (cooking fuels, electricity appliances, kitchen and plastic waste). However, more categories can be added as per user response.


Why does the app collect user data such as Name, Phone number?

The app uses basic contact information for correctly attributing an account to a user. 


Why does the app ask for number of people in the household?

This app is for personal carbon footprint. However, some resources such as electricity and cooking gas are shared between many people in the same house. Hence, the number of people is asked by the app to calculate the individual consumption value for such shared resources.


Does the final output in the app represent carbon footprint per person or per household? Also why is the units kept as co2 equivalent?

This app calculates footprint for the app user only. It automatically makes necessary adjustments on back-end, to factor in shared resources. The output units are taken as co2 equivalent so as to standardize emissions of various types, for which co2 equivalent is a globally accepted unit.


What is the best way to utilize this app?

Ideally, the user should keep at least a one month gap between successive calculations to factor in lifestyle changes that she/ he might do after the first calculation. There is no bar on anyone as to how many times they are allowed to calculate their carbon footprint. This will continually show results from the last completed assessment.


Where and how can I pass on suggestions write the app?

The app is managed by the admin. Suggestions may be passed on via email at the address: swati.g.goyal@gmail.com

Due to administrative considerations, it may not be possible for the admin to personally respond to your emails. However, all the suggestions shall be read and discussed internally by the app admin.