Reduce your Carbon Footprint

Take proper care of electrical equipment

  • Once a month, do the cleaning and maintenance of electrical equipment.

  • Use LEDs. Solar lights instead of ordinary bulbs.

  • If you are going out, switch off all electrical equipment like tube lights, fans etc.

  • Switch off and charge the mobile phone, laptop or any battery powered device. Avoid continuous charging of mobile phones, laptops and electric vehicles.

  • Make full arrangements for natural light in the house. Use green nets/curtains to reduce the temperature of the house.

  • Plant indoor and outdoor plants in the house.

  • Make maximum use of solar energy.

By taking care of all these things at the household level, the carbon footprint can also be reduced by the adopters, which is very important for environmental balance.Due to which the problems like increasing environmental imbalance, global warming, ozone depletion, can be made the earth once again a green paradise.